Namibia kicks off spectrum auctionNamibia kicks off spectrum auction
The Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia (CRAN) has commenced an auctioning process for radio frequency spectrum in the 700MHz and 800MHz bands.
The Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia (CRAN) has begun the auctioning process for radio frequency spectrum in the 700MHz (684MHz-790MHz) and 800MHz (790MHz-862MHz) bands to be used for the roll out of 4G and 5G.
According to the regulator, these spectrum bands will be utilized by telecommunications service licensees to provide 4G and/or 5G mobile services in Namibia and to fulfill specific rollout obligations.
"All bidders are required to submit a detailed business case, inclusive of rollout plans for the next three years aimed at expanding broadband connectivity in regions with less than 80% 4G population coverage to meet the national objective of 80% population coverage," said CRAN acting CEO Katrina Sikeni in a statement.
Connecting Namibia's underserved
Sikeni added that expanding broadband services by licensees will improve the quality of telecommunications services and inclusivity for Namibians living in unserved and underserved areas at prescribed broadband speeds and quality of service minimum parameters.
"The spectrum to be assigned will be utilized for mobile services, providing broadband services with a download speed of not less than 20Mbit/s to ensure meaningful connectivity," she continued.
"This will enable schools to have sufficient network connectivity, to provide online teaching lessons," she added.
The Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia wants spectrum auction bidders to provide a detailed business case, including their 4G and 5G rollout plans for the next three years. (Source: Image by Allexxandar on Freepik).
Spectrum auctions galore
Namibia is following other African countries who have auctioned their spectrum bands recently.
In January 2023, Airtel Nigeria purchased 100MHz of spectrum in the 3500MHz band and 2x5MHz of 2600MHz spectrum from the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC).
Airtel was the sole bidder for 5G spectrum in Nigeria in a second round of licensing of spectrum for the next-generation technology in December 2022.
The Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA) confirmed it had concluded a successful spectrum auction, bringing in almost $187.5 million in October 2022.
In August 2022, the Zambia Information and Communications Technology Authority (ZICTA) also updated its roadmap for the issue of spectrum in the 700MHz, 2600MHz and 26GHz bands.
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